About 'windows hotmail email'|M.Box Mail: iPhone/IPod App for Hotmail and Windows Live Mail
I previously posted an article explaining what steps I took to get my Hotmail password back after someone had hacked into my account and used my credit card to make purchases. Since then, many people have asked more specific questions like "who do I email to get my password reset" and "how can I find out who hacked into my account". I will help answer these more specific questions and hopefully be able to provide a step by step guide on how to regain your password after your Hotmail account has been hacked into. First let me say it might be best to read my previous article that explains exactly what happened to me and how I was able to fix the problem and get my password reset in only 3 days. I talked directly to the Windows staff so the article also explains exactly what they told me to do and what information I needed to provide to them. Here is the link to that past article. I recommend reading that first article before starting into this one. http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/430660/reset_your_hotmail_password_after_being.html?cat=59 Many have asked a great question: "Where do I email my complaint about not being able to access my Hotmail account because someone else has hacked into it?" I did not include this information in my last article because I did not even remember what email I contacted. However, I did find a link to where you can contact Microsoft. Looking back through my emails from when my account was hacked I noticed that I did not contact Windows or Hotmail, but I contacted Microsoft directly. The exact department that my email was then sent to was Windows Live ID Technical Support. So I now have the link for you to access and type in your question. This is not a direct email, but it gets you in touch with Microsoft so that they can route your question to the correct department and correct specialist. So step one is to go to this web page: https://support.microsoft.com/contactus/emailcontact.aspx?scid=sw;en;1208&ws=support You will see three sections for you to fill out. The first is your question or comment. Type in your situation which should be something like "My Hotmail account has been hacked and my password has been changed. I cannot access my account." Something along those lines. In the larger comment section go into more detail about your account. And finally you will need to enter your email. Since you are trying to regain your Hotmail email you will need to use another email address. If you already have another such as a gmail account or something else, you can use that and their response will be sent to that email. If you need to set up a gmail account keep reading this paragraph, but if you already have another email, skip to the next paragraph. To set up an email account at Google called "gmail" go to google.com and click sign in at the top right corner. Then click on "Create an Account Now". Go through the steps and create your second email. This will be used to correspond with the Microsoft help staff. After your gmail account is set up, type in your new gmail email address in the third section on the Customer Service Contact page. Then press submit. After you have entered in your alternate email and pressed submit, the aggravating part begins. You now have to wait for them to reply back. They will probably reply with something that says "clear the computer cache and delete unnecessary cookies before you sign in again" or "go back and click on reset password and follow the instructions." At this point you will have to email them back and say that you have tried all of that and that is not the problem. This is exactly what I typed back to the service representative. You can use it exactly or use it to help create your own response. I have put blanks where you can input our own specific information. Here is what I responded with: "I have tried everything you suggested, however, I am still unable to log into my account. I cannot reset my password because I did not specify another email account at the time of setting up my hotmail account. Also, I believe my secret question has been changed or I simply do not remember it because it has been such a long time since I entered it. I am certain that my hotmail account has been hacked because my paypal was also hacked at the exact time I stopped being able to log into hotmail. I can provide you with all the information about my account such as folders that I had in there, specific emails in those folders and other specific information if needed. I am unable to sign in on any other computer. And my last successful sign on was ________ (date) in the afternoon, but I was not able to sign in that night. If possible, can I have a new password so I can get into my account. As I said, I can provide you any specific information about the account that you would need. I have important information stored in my hotmail account and need to be able to log back in. Thanks again for helping me out ______(name of rep)." Again you will have to wait for another response from Microsoft. You might get a different representative if they transfer to a different department. That is what happened to me. They will now apologize that they could not help as of yet. Here is the exact reply I got from them and the instructions on what I was to do next:"I recognize the importance of this issue and I will be assisting you with your concern. I would like to help you regain access right away, but because we value our members' security and privacy, we will need your cooperation in verifying the account ownership. If you did not provide the requested information or if you have forgotten this information, you must provide more information to prove ownership of the account before we can send you an e-mail containing the link that will allow you to reset the password of your Windows Live ID.Please send us the following information: 1. Your Windows Live ID 2. Your first name and your last name 3. Your date of birth (month/date/year) 4. Your country 5. Your state (if applicable) 6. Your postal code 7. Your IP address List the IP addresses from each computer that you use to access your account. To determine your IP address, visit the following Web site: http://www.whatismyip.com The numbers that appear at the top of this Web page is your IP address. 8. The answer to your secret question 9. The "alternate e-mail address" that is on file for the account 10. Your Internet service provider. An ISP is a company that provides an end user with a connection to the Internet and other similar services, such as e-mail. Examples include MSNIA, EarthLink, and Comcast. 11. The last date and time when you successfully signed in 12. The names of any folders that you created in addition to the default folders 13. Names of contacts in your address book (please include the e-mail address) 14. Subjects of any old mail that is in your Inbox or mail folders Your patience and cooperation on this matter are greatly appreciated. We look forward to your reply." Once you send them that information you will have to wait again. Remember all this email correspondence is through your alternate email or the new gmail email that you set up. Once they have verified that you are the rightful owner of the account they will send you an email with the link to reset your email password. In that email they give you very detailed information and you should follow it exactly. One of the important things to note is that the link they give you can only be opened 3 times and will expire after 3 days. If you follow this guide you should be able to get your password reset. The main thing is to keep good contact with Microsoft and to refrain from yelling or being impatient in your emails. This will make it much easier and possible make it go quicker. It took me 3 days to go through this process and this was done on a weekend. They really do work 24/7. If you do this during the weekday it might even take less time. |
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